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Innovation House,The Glades,
Festival Way, Etruria,
Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire,

Tel : 01782 254 700
Fax : 01782 254 701



Cross browser support Use of access keys differs according to which browser is being used.

Internet Explorer 5+: Hold down the ALT key and select the number/letter of the access key, then press ENTER

Internet Explorer 4: Hold down the ALT key and select the number/letter of the access key

Internet Explorer 5+ for Mac: Hold down the CTRL key and select the number/letter of the access key

Internet Explorer 4.5 for Mac: Access keys are not supported

Mozilla: Hold down the ALT key and select the number/letter of the access key

Netscape 6+: Hold down the ALT key and select the number/letter of the access key

ALT and 0: Accessibility

ALT and 1: Home

ALT and 2: Skip Navigation

ALT and 3: Services

ALT and 4: Markets

ALT and 5: About Us

ALT and 6: Blog

ALT and 7: Gallery

ALT and 8: Case Studies

ALT and 9: FAQ's

ALT and C: Contact Us

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