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Tekdata Interconnections Limited, Innovation House, The Glades, Festival Way, Etruria, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, ST1 5SQ, UK
Tel: +44 (0)1782 254 700
How to Find Us
From the North
On the M6, exit left at Junction 16, follow the A500 signs to Stoke on Trent, noting 5 exits before the required 'LEEK A53' sign turn off. From the left hand slipway merge left onto the dual carriageway (A53) and continue for 1/4 mile. Bear left into Forge Lane and follow this to a T junction opposite a ski slope. Turn left into Festival Way and Tekdata Interconnections is a further 1/4 mile on the right hand side.
From the South
On the M6, exit at Junction 15, follow and remain on the A500, noting 5 sprawling exits, until a slip road for 'LEEK A53' amongst other directions. At the large elevated roundabout (traffic light controlled) turn right onto a dual carriageway (A53) and continue for 1/4 mile. Exit left into Forge Lane and follow this to a T junction opposite a ski slope. Turn left into Festival Way and Tekdata Interconnections is a further 1/4 mile on the right hand side.
* denotes mandatory field